F. Pınar Acar
F. Pınar Acar is a professor of Management and Organizations. She joined the Department of Business Administration in Fall 2002. She teaches the core Organizational Behavior course and the capstone Strategic Management course in addition to an elective course on leadership. She is involved in both the MBA and the undergraduate programs. Her research focuses on diversity, leadership, and various forms of dysfunctional behavior in organizations. She is especially interested in examining factors facilitating and impeding female leaders, effects of gender composition on processes and outcomes in a variety of different group settings, abusive leadership and other workplace mistreatments especially as forms of exclusion and discrimination. Her work appeared in journals such as Applied Psychology: An International Review, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, and European Journal of International Management. Prof. Dr. Acar received her Ph.D. in Management and Organizations from Texas Tech University.
Office: H116
E-mail: pacar at metu.edu.tr
Phone: +90(312)210-2052 or 210-2008
Mailing Address: Department of Business Administration, Middle East Technical University 06800 Ankara - TURKEY
Research Interests
Organizational Behavior
Organizational and Group Diversity
BSc in Business Administration, METU, 1993
MBA in Business Administration, Bilkent University, 1996
PhD in Management (Minor: Research Methods), Texas Tech University, 2001
Courses Taught
BA 2203 – Organizational Behavior
BA 4103 – Strategic Management
BA 5102 – Strategic Management
BA 5201 – Organization and Management
BAS 321 – Organizational Behavior