10 Questions About METU BA
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1. What is Business Administration?
Business administration is a branch of social sciences and studies the management of public or private organizations with the purpose of using resources in the most effective and profitable manner while adapting to the changing environment. These resources are monetary funds, materials, human capital, processes and information.
2. What are the functional areas of Business Administration?
Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Human Resources, Organization and Management, Operations, and Entrepreneurship.
3. Why study BA at METU?
METU BA is the first department that started to offer a degree in Business Administration in 1957. Since then, it has been the leader in innovative and contemporary business education in Turkey.
4. What is the difference between Business Administration and Economics?
Business Administration and Economics are two related but different disciplines of social sciences.
Economics studies the workings of an economic system while viewing individuals, companies and the government as players in this system. Economics has sub fields such as micro- and macroeconomics, international economics, and history of economics.
Business Administration studies the behavior of individuals and companies and trains professionals who will become top-level executives at for-profit corporations or non-profit institutions. Business Administration has functional areas such as finance, marketing, accounting, human resources, organization and management, operations, and entrepreneurship.
For example, if you would like to understand why inflation is increasing or why the currency exchange rates are changing, macroeconomics and international economics will be able to answer these questions.
On the other hand, if you would like to understand how a supermarket chain tries to maintain its customer base while inflation increases or what an automobile manufacturer does when exchange rate changes make raw materials much more expensive, marketing and finance will be able to answer these questions.
5. What is the difference between Business Administration and Industrial Engineering?
Business Administration and Industrial Engineering are two disciplines that share some commonalities with each other.
Industrial Engineering studies building optimally working systems of people, money, knowledge, equipment, energy, and materials. It uses specialized knowledge from other disciplines such as mathematics, physics, engineering sciences, and to some extent, social sciences.
The functional area of Operations Management under Business Administration is very similar to what is studied under Industrial Engineering. In addition to Operations Management, as mentioned above, Business Administration also has other functional areas such as finance, marketing, accounting, human resources, organization and management, and entrepreneurship.
For example, for a textile manufacturing company, an Industrial Engineering graduate would be able to design the factory and its production facilities while a Business Administration graduate would be managing the company in order to decide about how to finance the operations, how to hire and train human resources, how to market and sell the textile products, and how to plan for the long-term growth of the company.
6. Is the language of instruction English at METU BA?
Yes, the language of instruction is English at all departments of METU. This means that all courses will be taught strictly in English and all exams and assignments will be completed in English as well.
7. Is it possible to participate in the Erasmus or other exchange programs as a METU BA student?
Yes. As a matter of fact, METU BA is one of the departments that send the highest number of students to the different study abroad programs available at METU. Please see https://ba.metu.edu.tr/en/erasmus-and-exchange-programs for more information.
8. Is it possible to obtain a minor or a double major degree as a METU BA student?
Yes. The METU campus offers many opportunities for minor or double major programs. Please see https://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/double-major-minor-program-applications for more information.
9. What types of jobs are available for METU BA graduates?
An education in Business Administration equips students with skills and knowledge in a wide array of business functions. More than half of our senior-year class signs their first job contracts before they actually graduate in June. It is possible to find METU BA graduates employed in almost all sectors that you can imagine. To give a few examples, our graduates are CEOs and top-level executives of multinational and national corporations, traders at investment banks, human resources specialists, entrepreneurs that run restaurant chains or grow specialty agricultural products or create high-end fashion lines, specialists and managers at governmental institutions, and managers at non-profit organizations.
10. How high should I rank in the university entrance exam in order to be admitted to METU BA?
In 2022, for the Equally Weighted Score (EA), the lowest rank was 2017 and the highest rank was 314 for the candidates that were admitted to the department.