Nuray Güner
Dr. Güner conducts empirical research in the investments area. Her research is mainly on asset pricing and the incorporation of information into asset prices. Her early work concentrated on real estate investment trusts and investor sentiment. Currently, she is working in the area of trust and social impact investing. She has more than 20 articles published in scholarly journals (12 in SSCI). Her work appeared in Journal of Money, Banking and Credit, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, and Annals of Operations Research. Her work received 293 scholarly citations and she has an H index of 8. Dr. Güner teaches financial management, investments and fixed income analysis, international finance and real estate finance courses. She teaches both in the undergraduate and graduate programs of the Department. She has been the thesis advisor to several PhD and master students. She is one of the first recipients of the Outstanding Young Researcher Award in the area of Social Sciences from the Science Academy of Turkey for the period from 2001 to 2004. She has been a CFA charter holder since 2004. Dr. Güner is currently the chair of the Department of Business Administration and the coordinator for the Executive MBA program.
Office: H113
E-mail: nurayg at
Phone: +90(312)210-3075
Fax: +90(312)210-7962
Mailing Address: Department of Business Administration, Middle East Technical University 06800 Ankara - TURKEY
Research Interests
Market Micro Structure
Portfolio Theory
Real Estate Investment Trust
BSc in Business Administration, METU, 1987
MBA in Business Administration, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 1991
PhD in Finance, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 1996
Courses Taught
BA 2802 – Principles of Finance
BA 4814 – Investment Management
BA 4827 – Fixed Income Analysis
BA 4836 – Real Estate Finance
BA 6801 – Theory of Finance
BA 6803 – Seminar in Financial Institutions
BA 6804 – Empirical Methods in Finance