Hande Ayaydın Hacıömeroğlu is a graduate of METU Department of Business Administration (2000). She received her MSc from METU Department of Economics (2004) and PhD. in Finance from University of Manchester (2008). She has been a full time faculty member at the department since 2008. Her research is mainly in the area of finance. She is interested in financial markets and institutions, especially in banking and risks associated with the banking sector. Recently, she started to work on social investment, social capital, green bonds, impact investment and sustainable finance. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in the area of finance.


Office: H121

E-mail: hande at metu.edu.tr

Phone: +90(312)210-2044

Fax: +90(312)210-7962

Mailing Address: Department of Business Administration, Middle East Technical University 06800 Ankara - TURKEY

Research Interests

Financial Institutions

Banking Sector

Financial Econometrics

Impact Investing


BSc in Business Administration, METU, 2000

MSc in Economics, METU, 2004

PhD in Finance, The University of Manchester, 2008

Courses Taught

BA 2802 – Principles of Finance

BA 4818 – Analysis of Financial Statements

BA 4819 – Financial Institutions and Markets

BA 4839 – Financial Modeling with Spreadsheets

BA 6801 – Theory of Finance

BA 6803 – Seminar in Financial Institutions

BA 6804 – Empirical Methods in Finance

BAS 381 – Principles of Finance

Last Updated:
28/08/2020 - 15:49