Nazlı Wasti is a Professor at the Department of Business Administration. She served as the local director of the METU Confucius Institute between 2011 and 2018 and the national representative of the European Academy of Management between 2017 and 2020. Nazlı received her BS degree in Industrial Engineering from METU, her MS degree in Engineering Management from the University of Missouri-Rolla, and her MS and PhD degrees in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Her research interests are interorganizational trust, trust repair, innovation management, and buyer-supplier relations. Her research has appeared in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Research, Group and Organization Management, among others. She has also been serving on the review board of the Journal of Trust Research since 2013. She teaches courses on operations management, organization theory, supply chain management, and innovation management at the undergraduate and Executive MBA level. She has worked as the local coordinator on a number of international and national projects, including an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project on developing the case method in management education in Turkish universities.





Office: H122

E-mail: nazli at


Phone: +90(312)210-2010

Fax: +90(312)210-7962

Mailing Address: Department of Business Administration, Middle East Technical University 06800 Ankara - TURKEY

Research Interests

Interorganizational trust and social capital

Trust repair

Innovation management


BSc in Industrial Engineering, METU, 1988

MSc in Engineering Management, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1989

MSc in Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1992

PhD in Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1995

Courses Taught

BA 2206 – Organization Theory

BA 2601 – Operations Management

BA 4111 – Managing Technology and Innovation

BA 4621 – Supply Chain Management

BAS 322 – Organization Theory

EMBA 5203 – Organizational Theory

Last Updated:
28/08/2020 - 15:25